Tuesday, September 18, 2007

"InBody" body scan

last Sunday, when i was in physical(kornhill), i noticed that they had a new machine named (inBody...or any other name which i cant remembered clearly), which was used to take measurement of ur whole body physical health. I was amazed that i score almost a perfect score which almost every part of my body is in gd condition...(except the leg muscle is just barely touching the gd condition) hahaha. this machine is a gd reference for those who wanna keep track of they body stats thou. if u are member of physical, you should try.
Last Sunday ghost @metro station 997 is very scary, especially the part where the father try to be as exorcist and try to exorcise a evil spirit from an man. they record the whole incident on tape and was broadcast via the radio, one word to describe it ..."EVIL".

And yesterday night on tvb, there is a gd show named :大國崛起 which showed around 1030PM. i think this show is great cos it teaches us history and also the presenter (whom i forgot the name of her) always had a debate over china issue which i felt shes very right in some sense, even thou some of her saying sound like bullshitting to me, some of her words seems very correct. so if u like history, u should watch the show.

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